
Better payments.





TokenPay is the new way to pay. Online einfach per Klick und vor Ort per Kamerascan. Erhöhe dabei Deine private Sicherheit dank aktiver Bestätigung. Du gibst Deine Daten nur an den Händler weiter und trägst einen entscheidenden Teil zum Klimaschutz bei. Einfach besser bezahlen. 

Your money.
Your decision.

Only via

To pay with TokenPay, you do not need an account with TokenPay. You can pay at any time with over 100,000+ cryptocurrencies on 7+ blockchains from your decentralised wallet with TokenPay.

With your TokenPay account

To pay with TokenPay, you do not need an account with TokenPay. You can pay at any time with over 100,000+ cryptocurrencies on 7+ blockchains from your decentralised wallet with TokenPay.

Don't have a wallet yet?

TokenPay account in detail

TokenPay offers you an all-in-one platform with the TokenPay Account. The account combines all the functions of your decentralised wallet with English-language support and TokenPay's deposit and withdrawal partners. Your account combines decentralised security with centralised convenience and makes the advantages of the blockchain available in the style of a banking app. Without any prior knowledge or experience, you can create a wallet with your email address in just a few seconds and utilise all the efficiency benefits of the blockchain without any technical touchpoints. For all experts and technology enthusiasts, the TokenPay Account offers all the functions and features of a fully decentralised wallet, both with the TokenPay Wallet and via our wallet connection module.

For all TokenPay account holders, the TokenPay partners ensure compatibility between blockchain technology and the real banking world. Pay for your purchases from your bank account and take advantage of the benefits of the blockchain - transfer to various currencies worldwide and save on fees or pay out your blockchain assets securely, quickly and cheaply to your bank account. The competent TokenPay customer service team is always at your side.

To pay with TokenPay, look out for:


TokenPay offers you the maximum privacy you need. Your transaction data is only transmitted to the merchant in a decentralised manner and is not stored by TokenPay itself or any other company. Your transaction is pseudonymised via the blockchain; only you and the merchant can understand and assign the information. Even if you pay with your bank account, only your pseudonymised blockchain data is transmitted, not your bank information.


TokenPay gives your transaction the highest level of technical security. Your TokenPay transactions are executed via the blockchain. This means you can always track the recipient, the amount and the time. Thanks to the active transaction confirmation, your security is also increased centrally on the Internet and protects you better against security breaches.


TokenPay reduces your Co2 emissions with every transaction. TokenPay's more efficient booking technology and the bundling of deposits can reduce Co2 emissions by up to 99%. Without additional costs or compensation, technological innovation makes your transactions more sustainable and an important contribution to climate protection.*

Advantages for your
Cross Border

as well.

We start where your bank ends. You can also use TokenPay for your international transfers. Thanks to our globally distributed, local deposit and withdrawal partners, you can reduce your transaction costs with TokenPay.

Start now.

With the payment solution of the future.

*Calculations are based on business and sustainability reports of other payment systems as well as third-party studies and information from blockchain operators. The calculations are as at 17 March 2024. For a detailed breakdown of the calculation and sources, please contact us directly.

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